Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Puzzle Champ

Well not really.

I've been submitting answers to the BBC Magazine Monitor's weekly Monday puzzles for the past 4 weeks now, and I finally got my 7 seconds of fame this week.

I'm an "honourable mention". The BBC did screw up a bit there though. They put me down as having gotten the wrong answer (with the right letters), when I had actually submitted the right answer - and included another anagram for a lark, in the same response. Looks like they only saw "Mealtime Clenches". :(

Well just had to clarify that.

But, for a bit of fun on a dreary weekday, go ahead and check out the BBC Magazine. It's updated daily, and has a regular set of offbeat, and very interesting columns, quotes and letters.

And a puzzle too. Can you solve the latest one? I have... it's easy.