SingPost Idol!
From BoingBoing:

This month, the US Postal Service issued postage stamps honoring four American scientists. The group includes mathematician/computer pioneer John von Neumann, physical chemist Josiah Willard Gibbs, geneticist Barbara McClintock, and physicist Richard Feynman.
On March 28th in Singapore, Singapore Post released its Taufik Batisah stamp, complete with oh-so-cute huggable teddybear pictures, and curer-foo hearts. "Oh Taufik's so cute!", "Look at those dimpers!"
For those not in the know, Taufik's Singapore's answer to Ruben Studdard. Except for the colour, size and talent. If that doesn't help you either, ok, he's the Singapore Idol.
But he wasn't too bad as a performer actually. He is a reasonably talented singer; I was shuddering at the possibility that Sylvester Sim (the other finalist) would beat him (and I actually voted for Taufik. Twice. I feel so much better now.)
PS: Feynman's so ... um, sepia
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